Governor Whitmer Makes Appointments to Boards and Commissions
LANSING, Mich. — Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced the following appointments to Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision, State Historic Preservation Review Board, Michigan Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Michigan Travel Commission, and Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System Board.
Today’s appointees represent Michigan’s young professionals, communities of color, seniors, and more. The appointees announced this week build on Governor Whitmer’s work to ensure appointees reflect Michigan’s diverse population. Sixty percent of appointees are women or people of color, and the Whitmer cabinet is the most diverse in Michigan history.
Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision
Judge Deborah McNabb, of Grand Rapids, is the current Chief Judge Pro Tempore of the 17th Circuit Family Division. She previously worked as a circuit court referee for Kent County for 25 years. Judge McNabb also presides over the Kent County Juvenile Treatment and Support Court. She serves on the executive board of the Michigan Judges Association, where she co-chairs the Family Law Committee. Judge McNabb is also an active member of the American Judges Association, serving on the Domestic Violence, Specialty Courts, and Criminal and Juvenile Justice Committees. She received a Bachelor of Arts in political science and Spanish from Alma College and a Juris Doctor from DePaul University College of Law. Judge McNabb is appointed to represent the judiciary for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring February 12, 2026. She succeeds Judge David Tomlinson whose term has expired.
Johanna Delp, of Grosse Pointe Park, is a victim advocate for the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office in Mount Clemens. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in media studies with a minor in environmental studies and politics from Ithaca College in New York and later a Master of Arts in political science with a concentration in American government from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Ms. Delp is reappointed to represent crime victims for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring on February 12, 2026.
The Interstate Compact for Juveniles is a formal agreement between member states with the goal of preserving child welfare and promoting public safety interests of citizens, including victims of juvenile offenders. The Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision provides a mechanism for empowerment of the compact process, and serves as an advocate when improving operations, resolving disputes between states, and conducting training.
These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
State Historic Preservation Review Board
Dr. Krysta Ryzewski, of Ypsilanti, is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Wayne State University, and currently serves as the chair of the department. She received Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology from Boston University, a Master of Philosophy in archaeology and heritage management from the University of Cambridge, and her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brown University. Her extensive, community-based research in Detroit demonstrates her expertise in historic preservation, archaeology, architectural history, long range studies of neighborhoods and urban landscapes, assessing properties for historical significance, and public outreach and education. Additionally, Dr. Ryzewski has recently completed multi-year terms on Wayne State's Academic Senate and the Board of Directors of Preservation Detroit. Since 2020, Dr. Ryzewski has been a Co-Editor of the “American Experience in Archaeological Perspective” historical archaeology book series for the University Press of Florida. She is designated as chair of the review board commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring at the pleasure of the Governor. She succeeds Kemba Braynon as chair whose term has expired.
Dr. Lane Demas, of Mt. Pleasant, is a professor of history at Central Michigan University. He received a Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Demas specializes in African American history, modern US history, and the history of sport. He has lectured and written widely on those topics, with his most recent publication in 2017. Dr. Demas has received awards from both the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Fulbright Program as a result of his research and has been a featured contributor on national and international radio and television programs. Since 2012, Dr. Demas has served as the editor of The Michigan Historical Review, the only scholarly publication devoted to the history of Michigan, and one of the nation’s leading state history journals. Dr. Demas was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 2020. Additionally, Dr. Demas’ extensive experience in African American history has been exceptionally beneficial to the work of the State Historic Preservation Office and the State Historic Preservation Review Board. Dr. Demas is reappointed to represent history for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring December 31, 2026.
Ronald Staley, of Brighton, currently serves as senior vice president of the Christman Company, a national construction management company. Mr. Staley joined the Christman Company in 1985, was promoted to vice president in 1990, and established the company’s Historic Preservation Group since 1992, which he leads. Mr. Staley has led the rehabilitation and restoration of numerous historic properties that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and designated as National Historic Landmarks, both in Michigan and across the country. He has also led rehabilitation and restoration of National Monuments and has served as a consultant on a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mr. Staley holds an associate degree in applied science in civil engineering technology and a Bachelor of Science in business administration, both from Michigan Technological University. Mr. Staley previously served on the State Historic Preservation Review Board from 2008 to 2016 and is familiar with the responsibilities and functions of the board. He was named an Honorary Affiliate Member of the Michigan chapter of the American Institute of Architects in 2002. Mr. Staley is appointed to represent other professional disciplines, for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring December 31, 2026. He succeeds Kemba Braynon, whose term has expired.
The Michigan State Historic Preservation Review Board reviews and approves each national register nomination prior to submission to the Keeper of the National Register, has appellate jurisdiction under the Local Historic Districts Act, as amended, and provides general advice, guidance and professional recommendations to the State Historic Preservation Office on matters related to historic preservation.
These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Michigan Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Dr. Bradley J. Uren, M.D., of Pinckney, is an attending physician and a clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Michigan. He earned his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Michigan Medical School. Dr. Uren is reappointed to represent physicians for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Andrew D. Adair, D.O., of Ferndale, is a physician with Henry Ford Health System and a clinical assistant professor of family practice at Michigan State University. He earned his Doctor of Osteopathy from Des Moines University and Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Bellarmine College. Dr. Adair is reappointed to represent physicians for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Patricia Railling, Pharm.D., of Portage, is the clinical pharmacist for Beacon Health System. She earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bachelor of Science in biotechnology from Ferris State University, and Master of Science in biomedical sciences research from Eastern Virginia Medical School. Dr. Railling is reappointed to represent pharmacists for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Mehvish S. Khan, Pharm.D., of West Bloomfield, is the inpatient staff pharmacist for St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, as well as the Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital. Additionally, she is a member of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Southeastern Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and has contributed to the Gestational Diabetes Booklet and Diabetes Education Newsletter. She holds a Bachelor of Science in health sciences from Oakland University and a Doctor of Pharmacy from Wayne State University. Dr. Khan is reappointed to represent pharmacists for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Safwan Badr, M.D., of West Bloomfield, is the chair of internal medicine for Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Badr received the Nathaniel Kleitman Distinguished Service Award from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2021. He holds a Doctor of Medicine from Damascus University School of Medicine and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee. Dr. Badr is reappointed to represent physicians for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
The Michigan Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee advises the Department of Health and Human Services on issues affecting prescription drug coverage for its various health care programs. The Committee shall recommend to the Department guidelines for prescription drugs covered in its various health care programs.
These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Michigan Travel Commission
Amy Cox, of Warren, is the senior director of sales and earned revenue for The Henry Ford. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and English from Oakland University. She has served on the Travel Commission since 2019 and currently serves as its vice chair. Ms. Cox is reappointed for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring August 20, 2027.
James MacInnes, of Beulah, is the chairman and CEO of Crystal Mountain Resort. He has served on several State of Michigan boards including the Michigan Ski Area Safety Board, the Michigan Utility Consumer Participation Board, and the Michigan Great Lakes Offshore Wind Council. He has served on the Michigan Travel Commission since 2019. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and a Master of Business Administration from the University of California – Irvine. Mr. MacInnes is reappointed for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring August 20, 2027.
Dale Robertson, of Grand Rapids, is the president and CEO of the Grand Rapids Public Museum. He has served on the Michigan Travel Commission since 2019. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in political philosophy from Michigan State University and a Juris Doctor from Cooley Law School. Mr. Robertson is reappointed for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring August 20, 2027.
The Travel Commission was established to promote, maintain, and develop the orderly growth of the Michigan travel product. The Commission assists the Michigan Travel Bureau with the development of a comprehensive long-range master plan, annually assesses the activities and accomplishments of the Michigan travel bureau and works to the maximum extent practicable with those private associations, nonprofit corporations, organizations, or other private entities which promote tourism in this state.
These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System Board
Timothy Raymer, of Grand Rapids, is a retired assistant superintendent for finance and operations for Forest Hills Public Schools. Timothy Raymer is reappointed to represent a member who retired from a finance or operations management position and a member of the largest organization of retirees, for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring March 30, 2027.
The Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System Board is responsible for general oversight of retirement, survivor, and disability benefits to employees in public school districts, intermediate school districts, community colleges, and certain universities.
This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Today’s appointees represent Michigan’s young professionals, communities of color, seniors, and more. The appointees announced this week build on Governor Whitmer’s work to ensure appointees reflect Michigan’s diverse population. Sixty percent of appointees are women or people of color, and the Whitmer cabinet is the most diverse in Michigan history.
Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision
Judge Deborah McNabb, of Grand Rapids, is the current Chief Judge Pro Tempore of the 17th Circuit Family Division. She previously worked as a circuit court referee for Kent County for 25 years. Judge McNabb also presides over the Kent County Juvenile Treatment and Support Court. She serves on the executive board of the Michigan Judges Association, where she co-chairs the Family Law Committee. Judge McNabb is also an active member of the American Judges Association, serving on the Domestic Violence, Specialty Courts, and Criminal and Juvenile Justice Committees. She received a Bachelor of Arts in political science and Spanish from Alma College and a Juris Doctor from DePaul University College of Law. Judge McNabb is appointed to represent the judiciary for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring February 12, 2026. She succeeds Judge David Tomlinson whose term has expired.
Johanna Delp, of Grosse Pointe Park, is a victim advocate for the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office in Mount Clemens. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in media studies with a minor in environmental studies and politics from Ithaca College in New York and later a Master of Arts in political science with a concentration in American government from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Ms. Delp is reappointed to represent crime victims for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring on February 12, 2026.
The Interstate Compact for Juveniles is a formal agreement between member states with the goal of preserving child welfare and promoting public safety interests of citizens, including victims of juvenile offenders. The Michigan State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision provides a mechanism for empowerment of the compact process, and serves as an advocate when improving operations, resolving disputes between states, and conducting training.
These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
State Historic Preservation Review Board
Dr. Krysta Ryzewski, of Ypsilanti, is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Wayne State University, and currently serves as the chair of the department. She received Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology from Boston University, a Master of Philosophy in archaeology and heritage management from the University of Cambridge, and her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Brown University. Her extensive, community-based research in Detroit demonstrates her expertise in historic preservation, archaeology, architectural history, long range studies of neighborhoods and urban landscapes, assessing properties for historical significance, and public outreach and education. Additionally, Dr. Ryzewski has recently completed multi-year terms on Wayne State's Academic Senate and the Board of Directors of Preservation Detroit. Since 2020, Dr. Ryzewski has been a Co-Editor of the “American Experience in Archaeological Perspective” historical archaeology book series for the University Press of Florida. She is designated as chair of the review board commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring at the pleasure of the Governor. She succeeds Kemba Braynon as chair whose term has expired.
Dr. Lane Demas, of Mt. Pleasant, is a professor of history at Central Michigan University. He received a Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Demas specializes in African American history, modern US history, and the history of sport. He has lectured and written widely on those topics, with his most recent publication in 2017. Dr. Demas has received awards from both the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Fulbright Program as a result of his research and has been a featured contributor on national and international radio and television programs. Since 2012, Dr. Demas has served as the editor of The Michigan Historical Review, the only scholarly publication devoted to the history of Michigan, and one of the nation’s leading state history journals. Dr. Demas was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 2020. Additionally, Dr. Demas’ extensive experience in African American history has been exceptionally beneficial to the work of the State Historic Preservation Office and the State Historic Preservation Review Board. Dr. Demas is reappointed to represent history for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring December 31, 2026.
Ronald Staley, of Brighton, currently serves as senior vice president of the Christman Company, a national construction management company. Mr. Staley joined the Christman Company in 1985, was promoted to vice president in 1990, and established the company’s Historic Preservation Group since 1992, which he leads. Mr. Staley has led the rehabilitation and restoration of numerous historic properties that are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and designated as National Historic Landmarks, both in Michigan and across the country. He has also led rehabilitation and restoration of National Monuments and has served as a consultant on a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mr. Staley holds an associate degree in applied science in civil engineering technology and a Bachelor of Science in business administration, both from Michigan Technological University. Mr. Staley previously served on the State Historic Preservation Review Board from 2008 to 2016 and is familiar with the responsibilities and functions of the board. He was named an Honorary Affiliate Member of the Michigan chapter of the American Institute of Architects in 2002. Mr. Staley is appointed to represent other professional disciplines, for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring December 31, 2026. He succeeds Kemba Braynon, whose term has expired.
The Michigan State Historic Preservation Review Board reviews and approves each national register nomination prior to submission to the Keeper of the National Register, has appellate jurisdiction under the Local Historic Districts Act, as amended, and provides general advice, guidance and professional recommendations to the State Historic Preservation Office on matters related to historic preservation.
These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Michigan Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
Dr. Bradley J. Uren, M.D., of Pinckney, is an attending physician and a clinical assistant professor of emergency medicine at the University of Michigan. He earned his Doctor of Medicine from the University of Michigan Medical School. Dr. Uren is reappointed to represent physicians for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Andrew D. Adair, D.O., of Ferndale, is a physician with Henry Ford Health System and a clinical assistant professor of family practice at Michigan State University. He earned his Doctor of Osteopathy from Des Moines University and Bachelor of Arts in Biology from Bellarmine College. Dr. Adair is reappointed to represent physicians for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Patricia Railling, Pharm.D., of Portage, is the clinical pharmacist for Beacon Health System. She earned her Doctor of Pharmacy from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bachelor of Science in biotechnology from Ferris State University, and Master of Science in biomedical sciences research from Eastern Virginia Medical School. Dr. Railling is reappointed to represent pharmacists for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Mehvish S. Khan, Pharm.D., of West Bloomfield, is the inpatient staff pharmacist for St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, as well as the Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital. Additionally, she is a member of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Southeastern Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and has contributed to the Gestational Diabetes Booklet and Diabetes Education Newsletter. She holds a Bachelor of Science in health sciences from Oakland University and a Doctor of Pharmacy from Wayne State University. Dr. Khan is reappointed to represent pharmacists for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
Dr. Safwan Badr, M.D., of West Bloomfield, is the chair of internal medicine for Wayne State University School of Medicine. Dr. Badr received the Nathaniel Kleitman Distinguished Service Award from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2021. He holds a Doctor of Medicine from Damascus University School of Medicine and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Tennessee. Dr. Badr is reappointed to represent physicians for a term commencing November 8, 2023 and expiring October 1, 2025.
The Michigan Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee advises the Department of Health and Human Services on issues affecting prescription drug coverage for its various health care programs. The Committee shall recommend to the Department guidelines for prescription drugs covered in its various health care programs.
These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Michigan Travel Commission
Amy Cox, of Warren, is the senior director of sales and earned revenue for The Henry Ford. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and English from Oakland University. She has served on the Travel Commission since 2019 and currently serves as its vice chair. Ms. Cox is reappointed for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring August 20, 2027.
James MacInnes, of Beulah, is the chairman and CEO of Crystal Mountain Resort. He has served on several State of Michigan boards including the Michigan Ski Area Safety Board, the Michigan Utility Consumer Participation Board, and the Michigan Great Lakes Offshore Wind Council. He has served on the Michigan Travel Commission since 2019. He holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering and a Master of Business Administration from the University of California – Irvine. Mr. MacInnes is reappointed for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring August 20, 2027.
Dale Robertson, of Grand Rapids, is the president and CEO of the Grand Rapids Public Museum. He has served on the Michigan Travel Commission since 2019. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in political philosophy from Michigan State University and a Juris Doctor from Cooley Law School. Mr. Robertson is reappointed for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring August 20, 2027.
The Travel Commission was established to promote, maintain, and develop the orderly growth of the Michigan travel product. The Commission assists the Michigan Travel Bureau with the development of a comprehensive long-range master plan, annually assesses the activities and accomplishments of the Michigan travel bureau and works to the maximum extent practicable with those private associations, nonprofit corporations, organizations, or other private entities which promote tourism in this state.
These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System Board
Timothy Raymer, of Grand Rapids, is a retired assistant superintendent for finance and operations for Forest Hills Public Schools. Timothy Raymer is reappointed to represent a member who retired from a finance or operations management position and a member of the largest organization of retirees, for a term commencing November 8, 2023, and expiring March 30, 2027.
The Michigan Public School Employees' Retirement System Board is responsible for general oversight of retirement, survivor, and disability benefits to employees in public school districts, intermediate school districts, community colleges, and certain universities.
This appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
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