Gov. Whitmer Asks Michigan Licensing Department to Continue to Cut Red Tape and Streamline Licensure to Help Michiganders Save Time and Money
LANSING, Mich.—Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer sent a letter to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) asking the department to continue to review its public health licensure process and find ways to cut red tape and remove unnecessary bureaucratic barriers to help recruit and retain public health professionals.
“The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs’ dedication to making Michigan a safe place to practice a licensed profession without placing undue barriers on people is critical to growing our economy and improving quality of life for Michiganders,” said Governor Whitmer. “I urge LARA to continue working to identify regulatory requirements that can be amended or eliminated outright to make Michigan’s licensing processes even more efficient without compromising the health and safety of our fellow Michiganders. Together, we can ensure that Michiganders can get and maintain licenses efficiently though a streamlined process to fill labor shortages and grow our economy.”
“LARA is committed to reducing barriers to professional licensing and providing efficient, effective, and timely services to all Michiganders as part of our strategic plan,” said Acting Director Marlon Brown, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. “We have made great strides in meeting these strategic goals and are looking forward to continuing to work with Governor Whitmer, the legislature, and our stakeholders to reduce barriers resulting in the promotion of Michigan businesses, while also protecting people.”
Review of Professional Licensing
The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within LARA is responsible for licensing and regulating over 700,000 individuals. BPL regulates 27 health professions in Michigan under the Public Health Code by reviewing applications, processing renewals, issuing licenses, registrations, and/or certificates, and maintaining all licensing records for over 400,000 health professionals. The governor’s action today will continue ensuring state government is responsive, efficient, and effective in processing licensing applications or renewals for Michiganders.
The full letter can be found here.
Supporting, Attracting, Retaining Health Care Professionals
This latest effort builds on Governor Whitmer’s work to support, attract, and retain health care professionals in MIchigan. Earlier this year, the governor signed a bill to provide $75 million to recruit and retain health care workers. These funds are used to increase wages for staff and provide workforce retention bonuses as well as support programs that provide tuition assistance, student loan support, workforce grants, and training.
“The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs’ dedication to making Michigan a safe place to practice a licensed profession without placing undue barriers on people is critical to growing our economy and improving quality of life for Michiganders,” said Governor Whitmer. “I urge LARA to continue working to identify regulatory requirements that can be amended or eliminated outright to make Michigan’s licensing processes even more efficient without compromising the health and safety of our fellow Michiganders. Together, we can ensure that Michiganders can get and maintain licenses efficiently though a streamlined process to fill labor shortages and grow our economy.”
“LARA is committed to reducing barriers to professional licensing and providing efficient, effective, and timely services to all Michiganders as part of our strategic plan,” said Acting Director Marlon Brown, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. “We have made great strides in meeting these strategic goals and are looking forward to continuing to work with Governor Whitmer, the legislature, and our stakeholders to reduce barriers resulting in the promotion of Michigan businesses, while also protecting people.”
Review of Professional Licensing
The Bureau of Professional Licensing (BPL) within LARA is responsible for licensing and regulating over 700,000 individuals. BPL regulates 27 health professions in Michigan under the Public Health Code by reviewing applications, processing renewals, issuing licenses, registrations, and/or certificates, and maintaining all licensing records for over 400,000 health professionals. The governor’s action today will continue ensuring state government is responsive, efficient, and effective in processing licensing applications or renewals for Michiganders.
The full letter can be found here.
Supporting, Attracting, Retaining Health Care Professionals
This latest effort builds on Governor Whitmer’s work to support, attract, and retain health care professionals in MIchigan. Earlier this year, the governor signed a bill to provide $75 million to recruit and retain health care workers. These funds are used to increase wages for staff and provide workforce retention bonuses as well as support programs that provide tuition assistance, student loan support, workforce grants, and training.
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