Unlike the egomaniacs in corporate media, I realize credentials are not a right / guaranteed. With that said...
After a preview article / full article / kicking off holiday edition from media / VIP night / press releases. Don't want to forget: making requested changes in preview article. Scroll down for entire e-mail and lack of response.
Apparently, DKC News is only interested in receiving free promotion for their events. Guarantee you, corporate media immediately was welcome. Not receiving credentials did not set me off. This e-mail did. Instead of being professional "Your media does not meet our criteria..." (example).
Guarantee you, corporate media did not receive an e-mail like this. The only way I found out was after an initial e-mail inquiry. "Thanks for all the free promotion! You are not good enough to cover the main event". I am used to dealing with this 2nd rate amateur level in the Lehigh Valley, not in NYC.
Any idiot knows, if you don't get there early (2 p.m.), it would be impossible to take good photos / videos. Especially of ice skating / speakers / performances. If I worked for corporate media, would have been more than welcome. An indie who works harder than New York Times / networks / etc. should give them promotion and not be allowed to cover the main ceremonies.
Seriously, I feel like a low-level idiot for doing the work / telling people about Winter Village (Bryant Park). Focusing on Bryant Park didn't inquire about covering Rockefeller tree lighting / tree lighting in Philadelphia.
2023, FireCity Illusion will be sponsoring / making financial contributions to events in Philadelphia / NYC. Amount will depend on current budget. Winter Village / Bryant Park: $1000 was planned. It was in top 5 of list. 1k may not seem like much. 1 person on limited budget does it all. 2023: Winter Village / Bryant Park will be avoided.
No response to follow up e-mail requesting clarification if FireCity could cover event and check-in would be required received no response.
"Thank you for the fast response. Last question: Will I need to check in and be able to post article / photos / videos in FireCity Illusion? I always follow rules."
Articles / press releases / all coverage including social media posts have been removed. This is the first time I deleted / removed a social media post.
Personal experience is best teacher. Will no longer deal with DKC News. I strongly advise anyone against dealing with DKC News. Scroll down for full video article.
After a preview article / full article / kicking off holiday edition from media / VIP night / press releases. Don't want to forget: making requested changes in preview article. Scroll down for entire e-mail and lack of response.
Apparently, DKC News is only interested in receiving free promotion for their events. Guarantee you, corporate media immediately was welcome. Not receiving credentials did not set me off. This e-mail did. Instead of being professional "Your media does not meet our criteria..." (example).
Guarantee you, corporate media did not receive an e-mail like this. The only way I found out was after an initial e-mail inquiry. "Thanks for all the free promotion! You are not good enough to cover the main event". I am used to dealing with this 2nd rate amateur level in the Lehigh Valley, not in NYC.
Any idiot knows, if you don't get there early (2 p.m.), it would be impossible to take good photos / videos. Especially of ice skating / speakers / performances. If I worked for corporate media, would have been more than welcome. An indie who works harder than New York Times / networks / etc. should give them promotion and not be allowed to cover the main ceremonies.
Seriously, I feel like a low-level idiot for doing the work / telling people about Winter Village (Bryant Park). Focusing on Bryant Park didn't inquire about covering Rockefeller tree lighting / tree lighting in Philadelphia.
2023, FireCity Illusion will be sponsoring / making financial contributions to events in Philadelphia / NYC. Amount will depend on current budget. Winter Village / Bryant Park: $1000 was planned. It was in top 5 of list. 1k may not seem like much. 1 person on limited budget does it all. 2023: Winter Village / Bryant Park will be avoided.
No response to follow up e-mail requesting clarification if FireCity could cover event and check-in would be required received no response.
"Thank you for the fast response. Last question: Will I need to check in and be able to post article / photos / videos in FireCity Illusion? I always follow rules."
Articles / press releases / all coverage including social media posts have been removed. This is the first time I deleted / removed a social media post.
Personal experience is best teacher. Will no longer deal with DKC News. I strongly advise anyone against dealing with DKC News. Scroll down for full video article.