important Note: Opinions of michael phoenix (founder). Not to be accepted as facts.
If you are offended by language, do not view / listen. I wanted to find out if people at the march / rally believed in why they were attending. Basically, present a 1st person perspective from an attendee.
Attempting to question a gentleman holding a sign, female interrupted. It was obvious she had no idea about what Israel has done to Palestinian people. Refusing to answer question. Screaming at me if I was drunk. She was obviously a nobody who was attempting to be an influencer. Another person had a camera / was recording.
Attempting to question a gentleman holding a sign, female interrupted. It was obvious she had no idea about what Israel has done to Palestinian people. Refusing to answer question. Screaming at me if I was drunk. She was obviously a nobody who was attempting to be an influencer. Another person had a camera / was recording.